Wednesday 13 September 2017

where should we start? OTTO KA JI...

hello blogwalkers,

i ' m best known as samsungmom, here is my humble experience about how i come about being a STAY AT HOME MOM/WORK FROM HOME MOM.
i always want to be a stay at home mom or work from home mom.but i always stranded around my JOB and ITS NEEDY DEMAND. i just start of this year and truly not an easy task for me. it does take a toll on me. There are a lot in my mind when things go wrong here and there. i bet some of WFHM/SAHM does face it too.i am a total newbie to this area of expertise.therefore, I'd like to share my personal experience,obstacles,& turbulence of going through it.

Work from home mom /Stay at home mom

i am a teacher in the northern Malaysia and i am still am until today. i did receive good salary and other benefits. Somehow, in the beginning, i did enjoy the job but
after 6 years of servicing i was pressured by many demand from the job. i had to serve 7 days per week , from very early in morning and sometimes till nite. i had to leave my kid to nursery for more than 8 hours and because of that she always fell sick and was infected by many dangerous diseases, which had her hospitalized for every month. my heart sunk deeper every time.i was living alone with my kid for over 3 years as my husband was working in the west region of Malaysia. it is tough no one can understand our situation of being away like that and only got to see each other once a month (2 days for a month!). the stress was piling up until i was diagnose for having a severe backbone sickness. i was kill silently by my job and i just stranded in between curing myself or saving the job (as money was really needed at every corner of my choice). so i learn to endure it for at least few years...i don't know...i don't know...what should i do...OTTO KA JI?(what should i do?).......

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