Wednesday 13 September 2017

survival skill or saving skill

survival skill with saving skill

      After a long hiatus, i started to save every little penny and found few ways of finding more money by selling home care stuff , just to apply for a super long unpaid leave. while i saving up, i also applied for a transfer to get closer to my husband. i did apply for a tertiary degree too. surprisingly i was accepted and got a transfer too.( i mean after a long drama.....and bad melody). but on the contrary, my backache was not getting closer to remedial stage so i had to forgo the chance to enter postgraduate. As i was giving birth to my second child i just decided that i had to do what i got to do ! which to be a stayed at home mom for my babies as i can't stand to sacrifice the time of them growing up alone , i can't stand sending them off to nursery at  very early in the morning and pick them up quite late, i can't stand knowing that they were being bullied by babysitter, i can't stand looking at my self crying silently at night knowing that i chose a job over them. i am a bad mom and a bad teacher. what a life...i wanted a change. so i just took a long unpaid leave.

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